Plan the most adventurous day or stay out ever – choose from our range of packages. Students will be able be active in the great outdoors in a safe and fun way. They can experience both physical and mental challenges that push them out of their comfort zone and try something new in a fun and safe environment.
Package 1 (residential) - £180.00 per person
Includes four activities – choose from: Paddling (any paddle craft i.e. kayak or SUP*), Raft Building, Land Based Assault Course, Sky Trail and Mini Golf.
Package length: 2 days (activity time 6 hours,
including briefing) can be split over 2 days
Also includes;
• One night bed and breakfast
• Minimum of 30 people
• Weekdays term time only
• Minimum age of 8 years
• Packed Lunch included for one day
• An evening dinner/BBQ can be arranged
for an additional charge
• *SUP's are for over 12's and above
Package 2 - £80.00 per person
Includes three activities – chose from; Water Activities: Paddling (any paddle craft i.e. kayak or SUP*), Raft Building, or Dry Activities: Sky Trail and Mini Golf, or Land Based Assault Course
Package length: 4/5 hours on site (activity time 4 hours, including briefing)
• Minimum of 20 people
• Weekdays term time only
• Minimum age of 8 years
• Packed Lunch (not included)
• *SUP's are for over 12's and above
Package 3 - £50.00 per person
Includes two activities – chose from Water Activities: Paddling (any paddle craft i.e. kayak or SUP*), Raft Building, or Dry Activities: Sky Trail and Mini Golf or Land Based Assault Course.
Package length: 3/4 hours on site (activity time 3 hours, including briefing)
• Minimum of 20 people
• Weekdays term time only
• Minimum age of 8 years
• Packed Lunch (not included)
• *SUP's are for over 12's and above
Package 4 - £15.00 per person
Includes two Activities: Sky Trail and Mini Golf
Package length: 2 hours on site (activity time 1.5 hours, including briefing)
• Minimum of 20 people
• Weekdays term time only
• Minimum age of 8 years