Your trial will include

Activate your FREE 7 DAY TRIAL today. Book your free, no-obligation tour by contacting our Membership Team below.
Terms and conditions
- We’ve set out below the terms and conditions for our ‘Free Gym and Swim Access for 7 Days’ Promotion:
- The Promoter is Serco Leisure Operating Limited (company number: 04687478), Lancer House, 38 Scudamore Road, Leicester, LE3 1UQ as the managing agent of your site/centre.
- The Promotion may be withdrawn or amended at any time and without notice.
- To be eligible for entry you must be a ‘Non-Member’, ‘Non-members’ are classed as those customers that are NOT in possession of a database record on ‘Legend’ (our management information system).
- Restrictions apply to the Promotion depending on the facilities available. These restrictions may vary.
- The Promotion is strictly limited to one per person.
- Participants must be 16 years of age or over.
- The Promotion is not transferable or may not be exchanged for any other activity.
- No cash alternatives given.
- Not applicable to Serco Leisure Operating Ltd employees.
- Serco Leisure Operating Ltd have the final decision on individual eligibility of this Promotion.